Recovery of esthetical and functional parameters of tooth

In esthetical stomatology, there are perfect method of function, which satisfies customers’ modern demands.

This is recovery of esthetical and functional parameters of tooth by using new სხივგამყარებადი (nanocomposites) filling materials that also includes artistic restoration.

Treatment goes under local anesthesia. Isolating operational field is done by the means of „Raberdam” (Cofferdam) system, that is the guarantee of reaching high quality and restoration.

Work is done with სხივგამყარებადი composite material, which is distinguished with firmness, sustainability of colors, wide choice of colors, high esthetical characteristics as transparency and shimmer. With this method, recovering any carious defect of the teeth group with the black classification (1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.) is possible.

Aim of the restoration is the similarity of the appearance of a restored tooth with a natural.