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Tinatin Topuridze

    • Head of clinic, Restorative Dentist, Surgeon


    - 2002 - Graduated from Tbilisi State Medical University.
    - 2002 – 2003 - Residency program in Therapeutic Dentistry, „Unident”
    - Actively participates in many scientific conference and master courses.

    - Works in cosmetic dentistry with biomimetic concept.

    Courses of professional education:

    30.06.2004-02.07.2004 Иновационные технологии в реставрационной стоматологии. -Чиликин В.Н. САБОВСКИЙ В.В.
    15.09.2007-16.09.2007 Novel tricks for endodontics-root canal treatment and obturacion.  Pr. Mamaladze. M.
    15.09.2007-16.09.2007 The ultimate tooth centerdesthetic, strong and bonded post.  Pr. Mamaladze.
    15.09.2007-16.09.2007 Building an interior tooth with “amelogen plus”
    20.05.2007-20.05.2007 “Endo eze  and Endo rez system-different levels of evaluation” at dental clinic “Unident” Pr.Dr. Renato De Leonardo
    16.03.2007 – Actual issues of modern stomatology.
    27.12.2007- Адгезивние мостовидние констукции. Радлинский С.
    19.06.2008-20. 06.2008 Иновационныетехнологиивэстетической стоматологии.- Дзагания Т.Е.
    19.06.2008-21.06.2008 Моделирование контактного пункта при реставрации дефектов класса II.
    Применение силиконового ключа при прямой винировании зубов. МендозаЕ.
    23.10.2009-24.10.2009- Direct restoration in posterior teeth- Alessandro Vichi.
    4.11.2009-5.11.2009 Реставрация передних зубов нанокомпозитами. Радлинский С.
    23.05.2009 Evidence based tooth whitening – Bruse A. Martin
    15.12.2010 Применение лазерних технологии в стоматологии. Мазур. И.
    12.02.2010  Учебний центр Аполория- простая и еффективная эндодонтия. РадлинскийС.
    15.12.2010 In recognition of their commitment to continuing educational development for botter
    dentistry. Кибенко. И.
    11.07.2010 Учебнийцентр“Аполория” For attendance of a training course on   dental conservation using the equipment, material and technique of “dentsply  international”  РадлинскийС.
    28.05.2010 Technological resources and biological concept in minimally invasive endodontics. Pr.Dr. Renato De Leonardo
    25.03.2013 Technological resources and biological concept in minimally invasive endodontics. Pr.Dr. Renato De Leonardo
    09.04.2013 Art of teeth modeling  Pr. Larisa Lomoashvili
    23.12.3013-24.12.2013 Clinical integrated approach of all imaging techniques used for oral and maxillofacial pathology diagnosis or for treatment planning in dentistry Pr. Larisa Dakho
    17.09.2015 Style Italiano lecture – Monaldo Saracinelli
    07.10.2015 ДниKAVO накавказе
    25.11.2015 The vector method Dr. Oliver  Bissingen
    17.10.2015 Tip and Tricks care of details and correct methods to achieve esthetic- functional results in short time ceramic or composite ?Daniel Rondoni
    10.05.2015 The unique author’s technique of anatomical navigation in dental restoration from a Japanese professor N. Takahashi
    22.04.2016-23.04.2016 Frontal and posterior teeth restoration lecture of styleitaliano.